Most common D3953 code reviews : Interim caries-arresting medicament application, Bone replacement graft - retained natural tooth - each additional site in quadrant or Intravenous moderate (conscious) sedation analgesia - each additional 15 minutes.
Intraoral-complete series (including bitewings). Individually listed intraoral radiographs by the same dentist/dental office are considered a complete series, usually 14-22 images, intended to display the crowns and roots of all teeth, periapical areas and alveolar bone, if the fee for individual radiographs equals or exceeds the fee for a complete series on the same date of service, any fee in excess for the fee for a full mouth series of radiographs is Disallowed.
Most often D3953 related to the diagnosis of an infection, which may be covered by a patient`s medical insurance the dental office may want to confirm which plan offers the best benefits to the patient).
This code, D3953 treatment of root canal obstruction; non-surgical access, is intended to be used in cases where there is complete calcification of 50% or more of the canal length, not diameter. This code may also be used to report he removal of separated files or other obstructions (but not posts) left in the root canal by another practitioner.
Indirectly fabricated post and core in addition to crown is Benefited only on a completed endodontically treated tooth. **An indirectly fabricated post and core for an anterior tooth is Benefited only when there is insufficient tooth structure to support an indirectly fabricated restoration due to loss of actual tooth structure from caries or fracture. If sufficient tooth structure remains, the fee for the post and core is Disallowed.